Temporary Anchorage Devices

For anyone seeking straighter teeth, our
Orthodontic Certified Team can help you realize the smile you desire.

When it comes to orthodontic treatment, chances are you want your treatment to be completed quickly and safely.

For some patients, we need to use additional tools and devices other than just braces to achieve the proper tooth movements. Temporary anchorage devices (TADs) are one of the tools orthodontists can use. But what are TADs?

TADs are small anchors generally made of titanium or stainless steel that allow an orthodontist to achieve tooth movement faster and more efficiently than with braces alone. They are used along with braces and can be an alternative to other more invasive procedures.

“TADs are basically just very tiny screws that are placed in a patient’s gums and jaw bone to serve as an anchor point,” says Dr. Deepak Arora. “This allows us to apply the force needed to move the teeth as efficiently and comfortably as possible.”

TADs are quick and easy to place. Local anesthetic is used to lightly anesthetize the area and then the implant is inserted. All a patient feels is a slight pressure during the process. Once the anesthetic wears off, some patients may feel slight discomfort for the first 24 hours, but an over-the-counter pain reliever will help.

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