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So far admin has created 3 blog entries.

Why the Number of Adults Seeing an Orthodontist Is at an All-Time High


Originally posted to the American Association of Orthodontists Parents no longer take the back seat while their kids reap the benefits of orthodontic treatment. With one-in-three orthodontic patients over the age of 18, the number of adults seeing an orthodontist is at an all-time high. Experts believe this upward trend is likely here to stay – [...]

Why the Number of Adults Seeing an Orthodontist Is at an All-Time High2020-03-04T08:26:14+00:00

The Right Time for an Orthodontic Check-Up: No Later than Age 7


Written by American Association of Orthodontists Even though most people think of pre-teens and teens when they think of orthodontics, there are good reasons your child should get an orthodontic evaluation much sooner. The American Association of Orthodontists recommends a check-up with an orthodontic specialist no later than age 7. Orthodontists can spot subtle [...]

The Right Time for an Orthodontic Check-Up: No Later than Age 72020-10-07T15:53:28+00:00

American Association of Orthodontists


Your bark may be worse than your bite, but your bite is a very important part of your oral health. In orthodontics, “bite” refers to the way the upper and lower teeth come together. A bad bite, called a “malocclusion,” happens when teeth meet improperly, or they don’t meet at all. While each individual bite [...]

American Association of Orthodontists2020-07-16T21:14:03+00:00
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